Não, não sou inocente, sou otária. Tornei-me demasiado crente, se calhar tu fizeste-me ver tudo cor de rosa e com florzinhas, por me deixares tão feliz, e eu agradeço isso.
Mas não vale a pena amarrar a minha natureza, sou revoltada, sou negra, sempre fui. Acabaram-se as tintas para pintar as atitudes com cores mais sensíveis, acabaram os sapatos que me esmagam para se sentirem bem.
The bitch is back. Mesmo.
E se não querem ser levados pelo meu furacão, bem , não se metam no meu caminho. E se quiserem continuar a brincar comigo, então preparem-se, que eu devolvo tudo em dobro.
"You wanna make me sick;
You wanna lick my wounds,
Don't you, baby?
You want the badge of honor when you save my hide
But you're the one in the way
Of the day of doom, baby
If you need my shame to reclaim your pride
And when I think of it, my fingers turn to fists
I never did anything to you, man
But no matter what I try
You'll beat me with your bitter lies
So call me crazy, hold me down
Make me cry; got off now, baby-
It wont be long till you'll be
Lying limp in your own hand
You feed the beast I have within me
You wave the red flag, baby you make it run run run
Standing on the sidelines, waving and grinning
You fondle my trigger, then you blame my gun
And when I think of it, my fingers turn to fists
I never did anything to you, man
But no matter what I try
You'll beat me with your bitter lies
So call me crazy, hold me down
Make me cry; get off now, baby-
It wont be long till you'll be
Lying limp in your own hand "
You wanna lick my wounds,
Don't you, baby?
You want the badge of honor when you save my hide
But you're the one in the way
Of the day of doom, baby
If you need my shame to reclaim your pride
And when I think of it, my fingers turn to fists
I never did anything to you, man
But no matter what I try
You'll beat me with your bitter lies
So call me crazy, hold me down
Make me cry; got off now, baby-
It wont be long till you'll be
Lying limp in your own hand
You feed the beast I have within me
You wave the red flag, baby you make it run run run
Standing on the sidelines, waving and grinning
You fondle my trigger, then you blame my gun
And when I think of it, my fingers turn to fists
I never did anything to you, man
But no matter what I try
You'll beat me with your bitter lies
So call me crazy, hold me down
Make me cry; get off now, baby-
It wont be long till you'll be
Lying limp in your own hand "
Limp - Fiona Apple
4 comentários:
ui ui... isso tá mau e qd ela se solta, aviso, fujam.... a serio!!!
amiga fica bem ta? gosto eu de ti, e muito... e chega por muitas pessoas q n gostam, ou por gostarem te invejam. Eu gosto sem maldade, por ser amiga, e por mesmo longe estar aqui.. sempre! ( mesmo não parecendo)
beijo beijo... e feliz natal:)
Agora é que vai ser bom! :) O Meu Amor de Fato de CatWomen a combater as forças do Mal. Miaauuuu! Que Sexy!!!
a Lua que eu sempre conheci está de volta;)
hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
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